Let’s Start A Tofu Business!

Today, variously processed tofu for a tofu business is very diverse. For those of you who feel confused when going to start a business of tofu, that might still be new in your life. This can make you afraid of missteps because you might not be able to think calmly about the conditions.

Let’s Start A Tofu Business

What is a certain characteristic of your tofu?

In a business of tofu, at least you should pay attention to the following three things.


The price ranks first because, with a price that fits in the pocket of the target buyer, it will give satisfaction to the customer. Even buyers from far away can come to pursue the right price for him.


Everyone must be happy with good service. Don’t forget the friendly smile to customers. Jam, speed is also one of the supporting factors for customer satisfaction


In fact, we often find there are crowded street food vendors, beating the inn with a comfortable place. The problem is only one, it can’t be fooled. Your tongue will understand good food with less tasty unless you have thrush, toothache or a breakup. 

What tofu procession is right for the business?

There are so many recipes to make processed tofu with good taste that must be tried. But of course, the recipe selection process must be adapted to the regional culture. If you sell processed tofu in the Madura area, it will certainly be different in its kind with those displaying stalls in the Chinatown area. And here, we present some processed tofu recipes that we feel are suitable for selling items.

Tofu Nugget

Nugget tofu can be a favorite to be used as an object of sale in the city. Moreover, Nugget tofu can be a long-lasting snack by storing it in the refrigerator. It also feels crispy on the outside and soft in making tofu nuggets into snacks and side dishes that are quite popular. How to make tofu nuggets is also quite easy, like making chicken nuggets. And if you want a more delicious taste, you can add a little chicken. Pack in a good container, tofu can be left in the stalls around you.

Tofu Chips

Tofu chips can also be good preparations. Carrying label chips, this type of cuisine has a savory and long-lasting taste. You can also add a secret recipe so that tofu chips have a more colorful taste. For example, you can make spicy tofu snacks at a certain level. So it’s not just plain dry fried tofu. If your processed tofu can be accepted by the market, tofu chips can be packaged in the form of flatulent snacks which certainly increases your sales branding in the eyes of buyers. It is no longer entering a grocery store or school canteen, but a supermarket.

French Fries of Tofu

Junk food like french fries is delicious. But the calories in french potato fries are very high. Unlike tofu. The process of making french tofu is using an oven. It is no longer fried with fat deposits that make the sugar in your stomach multiply. Of course, french tofu fries are very good as a complementary food in your restaurant. In addition, tofu prices are also cheaper than potatoes.

Mayonnaise Tofu

If mayonnaise is generally made from eggs which contain too much fat and cholesterol, you can make mayonnaise made from tofu. Of course for vegans, this recipe will be very popular. What you need in making mayonnaise tofu is silk tofu.

Those are some tips for starting a tofu business. Hopefully, you get inspiration from our writing.